Welcome to the University of Wolverhampton Myshop for Physiotherapy Students
How to order from MyShop
*Select product, * Select colour (even if there is only one choice click on the colour icon
* Select size from the dropdown list, * Select quantity, * Add to basket
To go to the next product select your MyShop link in the top toolbar on the right
If goods show as £1000, choose a colour/size/fit for the price to update
If you do have any questions please contact our sales team on 0116 255 6326.
Have you heard of Nursem? Nursem is a range of caring skincare products developed with nurses to help combat the effects of relentless hand-washing. Their products offer natural intensive care for all hard-working hands. Click here to view the range
Welcome to the University of Wolverhampton Myshop for Physiotherapy Students
How to order from MyShop
If you do have any questions please contact our sales team on 0116 255 6326.
Have you heard of Nursem? Nursem is a range of caring skincare products developed with nurses to help combat the effects of relentless hand-washing. Their products offer natural intensive care for all hard-working hands. Click here to view the range